Available Templates

Can you think of another template that would fit in well? Let us know!

cookietemple cli-python

cli python pytest

Best practice Python package with optional command line support (click, argparse). Pytest or unittest are available as testing libraries. The package can be trivially locally installed and distributed on PyPi.

Version 1.0.0   Shipped in initial cookietemple release

cookietemple cli-java

cli jvm java picocli

A commandline application tool written in Java using the Picocli framework. The commandline application is built using GraalVM, which results in platform dependent binaries. Multiplatform Github workflows ensure that binaries are built for every platform and easily accessible as Github artifacts..

Version 1.0.0   Shipped in initial cookietemple release

cookietemple lib cpp

lib c++ cmake

A template for modern C++ projects - both executables and libraries - using CMake, Clang-Format, CI, unit testing and more, with support for downstream inclusion.

Version 1.0.0   Shipped in initial cookietemple release

cookietemple web-website-python

web website python flask

A Flask based python web template that can be used with database support, translations with flask babel and working user registration or as a basic website setup. Both ways, its configured to be deployed in seconds.

Version 1.0.0   Shipped in initial cookietemple release

cookietemple GUI-Java

gui jvm java javaFX

GUI Java Template

Version 1.0.0   Shipped in initial cookietemple release

cookietemple pub-thesis

pub latex thesis

A modern LaTeX/XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX thesis template based on the Cambridge University Engineering Department template. The template is still highly customizable but offers very reasonable defaults and should not require a lot if any configuration.

Version 1.0.0   Shipped in initial cookietemple release